
Some Questions From Clients for Quality management during electronic pcb assembly

21 june
We always get following questions from our customers about how to control quality during electronic product assembly .

1, Is the a quality manual and documented procedures that describe the quality assurance activies bring applied ?
2, Is there a management representative who is responsible for the achievement of quality?
3, What records are available to demonstrate that inspection and testing has been performed for electronic pcb?
4, How are the quality requirement for a products communicated to all people involved in the process of electronic pcb assembly  
5, Do work instructions specify requirements for the operation,inspection,testing, gauging and recording results,including processes and special requests for the products?
6, Are work instructions available at the workstations can it be demonstrated that they are at the correct revision level?
7, Can it be demonstrated that the employees perform operations in accordance with work instructions and other relevant requirements?
8, Are personal performing specific tasks based on their training/experience for electronics pcb assembly ?
9, Have adequate resources been provided to ensure customer satisfaction? Number of quality assurance/control staff? 
10, Has a system been established to identify training needs?
11, Can it be proven that training has been carried out for employees performing assembly and test processes?
12,who does the management representive report to?